Fife Pilgrim Way is a 64 mile (104km) long distance footpath starting at North Queensferry or Culross through Central Fife and ending in the grounds of St Andrews Cathedral.
The route opened in July 2019 and is designed as a varied route for residents and visitors alike. It follows in the footsteps of the medieval pilgrims and takes in many sites of historical interest uncovering some hidden gems along the way.
The Fife Pilgrim Way – Preparation for this Walk
If you plan to walk all 64 miles of the Fife Pilgrim Way or any of the sections highlighted in this blog you will need to be well prepared.
- A lot of this route is over rough farm tracks and can be fairly remote so a good pair of walking boots, stout shoes or walking trainers is essential.
- Some of this route is not suitable for young children as parts are along busy roads on narrow pathways.
- Take a backpack or rucksack with a waterproof (remember it is Scotland).
- Take food with you including plenty of water as there are some sections of the walk where there are no shops to buy food.
- I would recommend you bought a map before starting out or as I do take out a subscription to OS Maps on your smartphone.
- I would also recommend a small book Walking the Fife Pilgrim Way by Shana Lee Hirsh and Victoria Hunter. It is a good read in preparation for walking the route. You can obtain a copy of the book by Clicking this Link
Walking the Pilgrim Way – North Queensferry to Dunfermline