Finding members of your family tree have lived in Crail, Fife in Scotland might just lead you to take a trip to visit the village to find out more. We have a little experience of this ourselves as we were contacted in advance of a memorial service which was held in Crail in May 2015 for the descendants of fishermen who had been lost at sea in a shipwreck back in 1765. It was interesting to see the research which was done into all the descendants of those lost in this particular disaster.
In this 2017 Year of History Heritage and Archaeology we thought we might do a little ‘digging’ ourselves into the history of Sandcastle Cottage in Nethergate, Crail to find out more about the property and the family tree of the people who once lived there.
We do hope one day to discover whether Erskine Beveridge took photographs of the ‘other’ end of Crail, but for the moment here’s a glimpse of the sort of properties which you would have found in the 1800s in Crail.
Family Tree – Researching the history of Sandcastle Cottage, Crail
The little cottage which we affectionately named “Sandcastle Cottage” after much deliberation, has in the past been known simply as a property at the end of Nethergate East. The Nethergate is a broad, partly tree-lined street and on one side are properties which back on to the sea. Sandcastle Cottage is on the north side of the street, near the path to Roome Bay which you can find on the opposite side of the street. Nowadays the street is divided North and South rather than East and West, so the address is Nethergate North.
We bought Sandcastle Cottage in Nethergate back in April 1992, and have been fortunate enough to obtain sight of the original title deeds for the property which give a wealth of information for family tree researchers who might be interested in finding out about their ancestors who lived in Crail.
Our historical research begins back in 1816, when we discover the owner at that time, one William Ritchie Labourer in Crail, making provisions to ensure that the property which he owns is passed to his wife, Agnes Mitchell and his second son John Ritchie. We have a disposition dated 12th April 1816 in which he sets out the terms on which the property will be passed on after his death. A disposition in Scottish conveyancing practice is the name for the deed that transfers ownership of (conveys) real or heritable property. According to the legal dictionary, to obtain a real right, good against the world, the title must be recorded in the Register of Sasines or the Land Registry. We’ll come to that later.
We do not have the earlier title in which William Ritchie gained ownership of the property, however there is a description of this transaction in the 1816 document. In this we find:
“… granted by Thomas Gillies, Weaver in Crail in favor of John Scott Merchant, James Kingo Weaver, and William Scott flax-dresser in Crail of date this 25th day of July 1789 and in and to the unexecuted Proxy of resignation therein contained, and also in and to a Disposition and Assignation by the said John Scott, James Kingo and William Scott to me dated the 5th day of May 1790…”
It is these two previous transactions which are referred to and which conform to the regulations set down in the Register of Sasines Act of 1693.
It’s wonderful to have the history of the Burgh of Crail brought to life in this simple document. We knew a little of the history of the Burgh in that some of the inhabitants were weavers, so it’s good to know that there were weavers involved in the ownership of the property back in the late 1700s. When we look along Nethergate, we see cottages which we suspect are closer in type to those which might have existed on the site in the 1700s:
Sandcastle Cottage in its present-day form is sandwiched between buildings which have been altered over time:
Finding out more about the description of the property
In the Disposition of 1816 the land on which the property is situated is described as:
“that tenement of land high and laigh back and fore with the yard and pertinents lying on the north side of the Nethergate of Crail bounded as in any right thereto, betwixt the tenement of John Laing’s heirs now John Walker (and in pencil note: now David Ramsays heirs) on the east; the tenements of Janet Wilson and David Lawrie (note in pencil: now John Gilles) on the west; the common way on the south, and the Malt Looms and yard formerly belonging to Harry Crawford (in pencil: now Thomas Wilson) on the north parts, with free-ish and entry thereto, …”
so we know a little of the names of the neighbours round about too.
A twist in the tale: William Ritchie’s Conditions
Before we leave the first document, William Ritchie’s Disposition of 1816, it’s worth taking a look at some further conditions which William Ritchie laid down for the benefit of his other children. John Ritchie is William’s second son. By accepting the terms of William’s disposition, John is required to make sure that when he inherits he makes payment to his younger brothers and whole sisters “of the sums of money following, viz:” to James Ritchie £7 sterling; Catharine Ritchie £7 sterling; Agnes Ritchie £7; Elspeth Ritchie £7 sterling and David Ritchie £7 by the first term of Whitsunday or Martinmas after my death, with interest during non-payment. So John has £35 to find when his father dies!
Family Tree – Later owners of 3 Nethergate North, Crail
In 1834, John Ritchie (previously mentioned as 2nd son of William Ritchie), disposes of his interest in the property to his brother James Ritchie in return for £42 sterling and then in a second document we see this transaction being officially recorded in an Instrument of Sasine dated 22nd September 1834. The document has on it a stamp of George IV, but at this date William IV is king, which is mentioned in the legal preamble to the document.
The documents of 1834 are beautifully written, and the Instrument of Sasine is signed by one Matthew Forster Conolly, Notary Public. It’s worth taking a little diversion in our research to find out more about this gentleman.
Matthew Forster Conolly was an eminent person in Fife in the mid-1800s. He was born in Crail on 17 June 1789 where his father was a Merchant and Treasurer of the Burgh of Crail. He went to school in Crail from the age of 4, and was taught by James MacMin. At the early age of 7, his biographer says that one of his classmates caught his attention, and he married her some 20 years later! Conolly later went to the parish school in nearby Kilrenny where the master, Mr John Orphat, taught him “Court Hand” which is the script in which legal manuscripts were written. Conolly had decided at an early age that he would pursue the legal profession.
In 1866, Conolly wrote a work called “The Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Men of Fife” and in 1869 this was published in a collected works of Fife miscellany called “Fifiana“ which it has been a pleasure to consult as it contains details of all sorts of insights into life in Fife.
Back to our main story and the family tree: In the census of 1851, we find the residents of the house named as: Agnes Ritchie (83), widow of Agricultural Labourer, James Ritchie (49), her unmarried son, an Agricultural Labourer, and Agnes Don (18) grand-daughter.
Then in 1869, James Ritchie records a Disposition ensuring that his niece Agnes will inherit the property on his death, and in 1871 we find the census return showing Agnes Hutton is living in the property with 5 of her children. The census return details that Agnes is a ‘seaman’s wife, husband at sea’. In researching this we discovered that if seamen were at sea at the time of the census they would not be recorded. There’s some more research to be done about this, but from the point of view of the property the additional information which we discover is that the property has 4 rooms with windows, as does the property immediately to the west. However, the next property is listed as uninhabited, then there is one one-roomed property, followed by three 2-roomed properties. To the east of 3 Nethergate there is a property which has one room, where two people are living, and a further property where 4 people are living.
The 1871 census shows that the neighbours immediately to the west, and the neighbours in the property beyond the uninhabited one are the same people as were there in 1851.
Family Tree Research for residents of 3 Nethergate North, Crail
In order to find out more about the family tree of people who were living in our cottage in Nethergate, Crail we used the search facilities on the Scotland’s People website, where for a small fee you can search and see specific documents such as Census Returns, Birth Certificates and so on. If you sign up to the Family Search site you have access to many more records, but we did find less detail and you don’t see the images of the original documents which can be so useful in ensuring that you have the right people when you start your search.
We looked up: a birth certificate for one of Agnes Hutton’s children who were listed in the 1871 census as living at Nethergate. The census gives details of age, sex of person, their relationship to the head of the family and where they were born. We looked at William Don Hutton who was listed as Agnes’ son and was only 3 months at the time of the census, having been born in Crail. His birth had been recorded in the Parish of Crail on 7th December 1870 at 1 30 am at Nethergate, Crail and his parents were recorded as Thomas Hutton, Seaman and Agnes Hutton m.s. Don. Their marriage had taken place in 1857 on 13th July in Edinburgh. (A little later in further research, I noted from the 1877 Worral’s Directory for the North-East of Scotland that two more people named on the birth certificate were listed in the directory: Henry Lillie who was the Registrar for the Parish of Crail, and Agnes Anderson the Nurse who was Midwife in Crail).
From this birth certificate, we were then able to search for a marriage certificate which is a rich source of information about a couple, as it gives not only their age, place of birth and profession at the time of marriage, but also the names of their parents and the maiden name of each of their mothers. Using the Scotland’s People search we were able to find and print out the marriage certificate for Thomas Hutton and Agnes Don. This provides us with the information that the parents of Thomas Hutton are: Thos Hutton Grocer, Marketgate Crail and Magdaline Hutton (maiden name Brown). For Agnes Don we find that her father is James Don, Gardener, of Millbrae Helensburgh and Elspeth Don (maiden name Ritchie).
So we have confirmation of the name of the sister of James and John Ritchie, whose mother and father William and Agnes Ritchie were involved in the original document of 1816.
Looking at the census return for 1881 we found that Thomas Hutton was then working as a fisherman, and living in Nethergate with his wife Agnes Hutton, Machinist and their children: Euphemia Hutton (18) a Pupil Teacher, George Hutton (17) a Grocer’s Apprentice, Agnes Hutton (12) a scholar and William Hutton (10), scholar.
By 1891 at the time of the next census, Thomas Hutton and Agnes Hutton are both 59 and are found at the High Street, Crail with his occupation being detailed as Seaman (retired, living on priv(ate?) means). At this point we searched for their daughter, Euphemia Hutton who by 1891 had married John Murray, Fisherman and settled in High Street where they had two children, Agnes (aged 3) and Jessie (aged 1).
As Agnes and Thomas are no longer living at Nethergate North, we turned to the Valuation Rolls for the years after 1891 where the properties on Nethergate Northside are listed to determine responsibility for payment of rates for properties in Crail Burgh. In 1893 we can see that Thomas Hutton has a tenant there whose name is James Robertson and the yearly rent is £9. The exciting piece of information in this Valuation Roll is that the property next door which become in later days numbers 5 and 7 Nethergate are at this point “in the course of erection” – or perhaps as we would say ‘Under Construction’ with the owner being one Robert Cleghorn, Coachbuilder of Cupar.
We checked the Valuation Roll for 1895 where it appears that by this time Thomas Hutton has passed away and his wife, listed as “Mrs Thomas Hutton” is renting to a Mrs Duff at an annual rent of £10.
Moving forward to the Valuation Roll for 1905 Mrs Thomas Hutton is renting to Alexander Henderson. The two next door properties belong to the heirs of Robert Cleghorn.
The next documents we have relating to the house at Nethergate is in 1909 when the remaining children of Thomas and Agnes Hutton prepare to dispose of the property at 3 Nethergate Crail (the first record we can find of it having been numbered as it still is today). It’s all quite tragic at this point and I find myself being sad for the family as they have to go to court to declare that two of the 5 children are now dead. William Don Hutton, whose birth we looked up early in our searches has been drowned at sea in September of the year 1890 – aged only 19. HM Chancery Court decrees that his brother George Brown Hutton is his heir.
The disposition of 1869 had left the house to Agnes Don or Hutton and the deed of 1909 sets out that she had had 5 children who had survived until the time of the death of her uncle. Thomas Don Hutton had died as a child in 1865 (aged 6 or 7). His sister Agnes Don Hutton had died on or about the 7th of June 1896 (aged 27). The proceeds of the house are therefore to be divided between the remaining 3 children, in the proportions 1/5 to James Don Hutton, 1/5 to Euphemia Ritchie Hutton or Murray and 3/5 to George Brown Hutton.
In 1909 James Hutton has emigrated to the United States and is working as a Draper’s Clerk in North Adams Massachusetts. [He married Jessie Hutton and they have 3 children at the time of the 1910 US Census: William Hutton, 24 (born Scotland), Frank Hutton, 20 (born Tennessee), Agnes Hutton 17 (born Tennessee)]. George Brown Hutton is living in Glasgow and is working as an Engineer and as we know Euphemia is still in Crail. They sell the house to a Mr Robert Millar of Beggar Bush House Musselburgh for £180.
I get a bit irritated by the legal language surrounding Euphemia’s inheritance as it is couched as: “Mrs Euphemia Ritchie Hutton or Murray, Wife of and residing with John Murray, Fisherman, Crail, heritable proprietrix to the extent of one fifth pro indivisio of the said subjects, with the special advice and consent of my said husband, And I the said John Murray for myself, my own right and interest and as taking burden on me for my said wife and we both with joint consent and assent” – all this for the sake of £36!
We note that the new purchaser Mr Robert Millar, does not live in the property, but rents it out. We find in the 1911 Census (the last one which is currently available) that there are three people living in the house – Mr & Mrs Hill and their daughter Agnes who is an assistant in a confectioner’s shop. Mr Hill is a retired shipmaster. Number 5 has no one living there, and number 7 is now a house of 6 rooms with one or more windows – and they have a live-in servant!
We will draw our glimpse into the past of 3 Nethergate (sometimes Nethergate Eastside, sometimes Nethergate North), to a close on the basis that we do have further information about subsequent residents between then and our purchase in 1992 but will not publish it here on the grounds of privacy.
So that you can have an idea of where the house sits in the village of Crail, we’ve included for interest an Aerial view of Nethergate including Priory Doo’cot.
Stay in this Historic House in Crail
If you’d like to stay in this historic house in Crail, Sandcastle Cottage is available for 7 night weekly breaks,starting on a Friday. Just go to our Look page to find out more, or click the book now button to book.
Pin it for later – Family Tree and History Nethergate Crail
Family Tree – Further Reading and Research Notes
Chapter 1 – Crail from A Guide to the East Neuk of Fife – David Hay Fleming 1886
Lectures on the History of the Church of Scotland: From the Reformation to the Revolution Settlement : with Notes and Appendices from the Author’s Papers ; in Two Volumes, Volume 2 334 – 340 in digitised version)
January 1, 1860 – Appendix No. IV.— (Vol. I., page 49.) about the Grammar School of Crail (pageStatistical Accounts of Scotland – Map of Crail – 1793, 1799. 1845
In the Statistical Account of Scotland 1793, reference is made to the fact that in 1790-91 there were 1,710 people living in Crail – 728 males and 972 females. The reason for there being more women than men was due to men having gone off to sea and to fight in the “French and American War” (1754 – 1763). During this war, 72 men from the town and parish were entered on board his Majesty’s fleet, a small portion returned home. With regard to Trades in Crail, mention is made of 7 incorporated trades: Smiths, Wrights, Weavers, Tailors, Shoemakers, Coopers and Bakers. The Weavers are further detailed as: 35 freemen, 21 journeymen and apprentices.
In the 1793 Statistical Account there is a description of the manufactures of Crail, which says that “the women, however, are generally employed in spinning lint-yarn for the manufacturers in other places, to the extent of many thousand spindles every year. … A few shoes are made for the market; and nearly 40,000 yards of sheetings, Osnaburghs, coarse brown linen &c are wrought by the weavers for sale, over and above what is manufactured for private use.”
From the Statistical Account of Scotland 1845 – climate: “…the position of the country at the junction of the Forth with the ocean, combine to render the climate particularly pure and healthful.”
Next Steps for our Family Tree/ House History Research
- We know that Crail Museum did a “Houses of Crail” project some years ago, and we will submit our House History to the Museum for future researchers.
- We would like to know how the Weavers and Merchants of Crail mentioned in the 1789 document got the land. Is this in the Sasines? Minutes books of sasines, deeds, decreets etc, 1579-1804
- Research into the Weavers of Crail – Weavers records, 1694-1741, 1792-1845 in the University of St Andrews Special Collections.
- Crail Museum’s 2017 Exhibition is about Craftsmen of Crail, including the Kingo Weavers, so it will be interesting to see what we can find there
Having visited Crail Museum in June 2017, I’ve typed up our house information in the format for the Houses of Crail project – you can see the .pdf file here: 3-Nethergate-Crail
What questions do you have from reading this article? Do let us know in the comments please.
I am a descendant of James Kingo, and found this page while looking into my ancestor Mitchell King’s birthplace, of Crail! He was the son of James and changed his name to King when he went to South Carolina and married Susan Campbell from Argyle. My husband and I are planning a trip to Scotland in Sept. 2019, and think we MUST stay at Sandcastle cottage!
Hi Laurie! How wonderful to hear that a blog post we wrote some time ago has led you to find us. We’d love to welcome you to Sandcastle Cottage and you must head round to find out all that the Crail Museum has in the archives about the Kingo family.
Hi Susan,
My name is Ove Kingod, I am Danish and live in Copenhagen. I am 77 years old and a retired journalist. My many years of hobby is genealogy, and I have traced my family back to about 1580 in Crail to the brothers Thomas Kingo and William Kingo, who in 1587 were granted citizenship as a result of a law passed by the Scottish Parliament to attract skilled craftsmen from the mainland to Scotland.
Thomas Kingo and his brother William Kingo were skilled linen and damask weavers, which one could not be trained for in Scotland at that time. You had to go to the mainland to find that expertise. For example, Flanders, which had trade relations with Crail, yes Fife.
Thomas and William had come to Crail from Flanders perhaps five years earlier, and could not refer to any Scottish family when they were granted citizenship in 1587. Neither parents, siblings, uncles or aunts.
Thomas was first elected Deacon of Weavers in 1587 and some years later his brother was elected to the same.
Thomas and William lived side by side in Crail. Around 1590, Thomas moved to Elsinore in Denmark. The huge Elsinore Castle had just been completed, and his intention was to help the Danish king decorate the castle’s halls with woven wallpaper (= tapestries). With him was his 8-9-year-old son Hans Kingo, who was trained as a weaver and married in Denmark. I’m one of the descendants.
Hans Kingo had three children in Denmark, including the famous hymn poet and bishop Thomas Kingo in Scandinavia (= Denmark, Norway and Sweden), named after his grandfather from Crail. In his three marriages, the bishop did not even have children. I’m from his elder sister Else Kingo.
The old Thomas Kingo returned to Crail, remarried, and lived next to his brother William.
We are a handful of Danish Kingos who had planned a week’s “discovery trip” to Crail this spring, but unfortunately Covid-19 put a stop to that. So that trip is postponed to 2021.
I have led the descendants of William Kingo to the US resident Laurie King, who wrote to you in 2019 and told about her Scottish roots, among other things James Kingo and Crail. My knowledge:
This James Kingo was born April 19, 1756 in Crail. Weaver (1775). Tidewaiter (1796). Married 6 August 1775 to Anne Kingo, born Kirkwood 6 August 1755. Tron Church, Edinburgh. James died October 27, 1798 in Crail. Anne died October 27, 1798. Buried in Crail October 30, 1798 in Crail.
Their son Mitchel King (Kingo) was born June 8, 1783 in Crail. He died November 12, 1862 in Flat Rock, Henderson, North Carolina, USA.
And then Laurie King, who wrote to you, probably had no trouble leading the “red thread” to her. In Wikipedia you can read far and wide about her family and how the surname Kingo changed to King.
But has Laurie King managed to trace her common thread back to William Kingo, who was the brother of my Scottish ancestor Thomas Kingo?
I have tried in vain to find Laurie King in the United States. Hope you can help me. I would like to get in touch with her. We are “family.”
I want to contact you before I and a handful of other Danish Kingos go on a week-long “discovery trip” to Crail in 2021.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best greetings
Ove Kingod
Hi Ove Wonderful to hear from you, and I have put you in touch via email with Laurie King. This story is so fascinating, and I hope you have a wonderful trip to Crail in 2021.
Best wishes
Oh my goodness Ove! I’m absolutely thrilled to hear from you! You’ve connected several threads of my ancestry here that I’ve been unable to up to now. I would LOVE to talk further.
Ok, I’m busy for the next week, but will try to find time for some communication in between, so I can update you on your ancestors back to William Kingo.
About linen and wallpaper weavers Thomas and brother William in Crail
My Kingo branch on the family tree starts with Thomas Kingo.
You Laurie King are descended from his brother William Kingo. The two brothers were not born in Scotland. Danish genealogists point out that they emigrated from Flanders to Crail around 1580. So they were probably born around 1560. They were both highly educated silk, damask and wallpaper weavers, which at that time could not be trained for in Scotland.
Scottish weaving art was primitive and the products were sold at low prices on the mainland.
In 1587, the Scottish Parliament passed a law to help attract highly educated craftsmen to Scotland.
On June 24, 1589, the brothers became citizens of Crail, and they did so with their newly elected surname Kingo. In the years that followed, William was mentioned as the “Deacon of Wobsters” (chairman of the weavers’ guild).
Both brothers appear again in connection with the settlement of some financial claims, as William has money for good and Thomas owes money away. The inventories are dated March 31 and April 7, 1590. It is also stated here that Thomas’ wife’s name is Agnes Brown. They have 3-4 children together.
Thomas Kingo reappears in the Crails archives on December 21, 1597, where he and his new wife Isabelle Morris buy property in Marketgate next to Brother Williams’ property. Thomas Kingo reappears at a real estate business in 1606. In 1621 he is elected “Deacon and Weavers” and he is re-elected in 1622.
From 1589-96, Thomas Kingo was in Denmark as a wallpaper weaver for the Danish king Christian IV (1588-1648). With him was his son Hans Kingo, who returned to Denmark around 1616, married a Danish woman, and they had three children, two girls and a son, Thomas Kingo, the famous hymn writer, bishop and friend of the Danish king. The bishop was married three times but did not have children with any of them. I come from the bishop’s big sister Else Kingo.
About William Kingo
We do not know the name of the woman who gave birth to his son Alexander Kingo in 1585 in Crail.
Alexander married Elizabeth Kingo, born Smart in Crail. Their son James Kingo was born approx. 1625 in Crail.
His son Alexander Kingzow (Kingo) was born in 1660 and married April 25, 1684 to Margaret Kingzow (Kingo), born Morres. Their son James Kingo was born March 10, 1692 in Crail and married Margaret Kingo, born Beverage in 1688.
Siblings of this James Kingo are: Margarit Kingo, Cecill Shanks (born Kingo), Jean Mitchell (born Kingo), David Kingo.
Son of James Kingo born in 1692 is James Kingo (May 1726 – ca. 1770). Married to Barbara Kingo, born Ness before 1731. Died October 17, 1792.
Their son: James Kingo was born April 19, 1756 in Crail. Weaver (1775) Tidewaiter (1796). Died: October 27, 1798, Crail. Married 6 August 1775 to Anne Kingo born Kirkwood 6 August 1755. Tron Church, Edinburgh. Died October 27, 1798. Buried October 30, 1798 In Crail.
Their son: Mitchel King (Kingo) was born June 8, 1783 in Crail. Died November 12, 1862, Flat Rock, Henderson, North Carolina, USA.
Mitchel had the following siblings: Janet Kingo (1776-1852), Christie Kingo (1779 -?), Cecilia Kingo (1780 – 1861), Barbara Kingo (1787 – 1788), Elizabeth Kingo (1790 -?), Ann Kingo (1797 – ?)
Mitchel was married twice.
February 23 with Susanna Kingo / King born Campbell (1791 – 1828)
August 14, 1830 with Margaret King / Kingo born Campbell 1800 – 1857.
From Wikipedia
Mitchell Campbell King was the son of teacher, lawyer and Judge Mitchel King (Kingo) (b. 8 June 1783 in Crail, Fife, Scotland; baptized 10 June 1783 in Crail d. 12 November 1862 in Flat Rock, Henderson County, North Carolina) ) and his first wife Susanna Campbell (b. June 24, 1791 in Charleston, South Carolina; d. September 12, 1828 in Charleston). The elder King headed to South Carolina in 1810 and both married on 23 February 1811 in Charleston. They had seven children.
Mitchell C. King was the second-oldest; and with him began the family tradition in using his mother’s maiden name Campbell in remembrance of the family’s Scottish heritage.
Residence: Charleston, ward 4, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 1850.
Mitchell Campbell King (born June 1815 in Charleston, South Carolina; died 1901) was a planter and physician in the Carolinas.
Mitchel had the following siblings: Janet Kingo (1776-1852), Christie Kingo (1779 -?), Cecilia Kingo (1780 – 1861), Barbara Kingo (1787 – 1788), Elizabeth Kingo (1790 -?), Ann Kingo (1797 – ?)
Mitchel was married twice.
February 23 with Susanna Kingo / King born Campbell (1791 – 1828)
August 14, 1830 with Margaret King / Kingo born Campbell 1800 – 1857.
Thank you so much Ove and Laurie, descendants of the Kingo families for all the information you’ve been sharing here. I do hope that you both get the chance to come along to Crail Museum and find out more about the history of the village.
Sorry for one error: James Kingo was born in 1756 – not in 1776. Kind regards from Ove Kingod.
Hi Ove and Laurie – I am a Kingo descendant from Janet Kingo (1776-1852) who married John Tweedie. Hope to hear from you (sorry to ambush your page Crail Property)